February 2nd, 2022
What is a weed? Emerson says it’s a plant “whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” Most of us see weeds as uninvited guests, squatting in “our” yards or gardens. Yet many of them pack more real medicine than any pill. Often, it’s exactly what we need, even before we’re aware of it! Don’t shoot the messenger. Weed ’em and reap!
1. Chickweed
Chicks dig chickweed, hence the name. A backyard gourmet microgreen, it also dissolves cholesterol. Have your cake and weed it too!
2. Violet
The proverbial pansy, gentle yet powerful, both leaf and flower are full of nutrients, enough to clear skin problems, inflammation, even cancer — with no danger of overdose. If you’re not nonviolent, you’re not a violet!
3. Dandelion
The grandaddy of lawn weeds, no liver tonic could be so gentle yet effective. Just take the bitter with the sweet: a honey vinaigrette helps the dandelion go down — in the most delightful way!
4. Onion grass
Ah, the familiar aroma of Allium, onion grass, or “lawnmower weed.” This suburban stowaway sticks it out through the winter and beats the grass up in the spring. Fortunately, Allium is all yum. As long as it smells like garlic, the whole plant is edible, just like a scallion. Of course, it’s tougher, but that makes it more nutritious too. Try a wild garlic salt. It’s time to eat the neighbors!
5. Pine
Don’t mow the lawn for a few years and you might just be blessed with a lemonade stand. A stand of pine trees, that is. Pine needles make a surprisingly pleasant tea, much like lemonade, and for good reason: they’re full of Vitamin C and a host of other antioxidants. Don’t wait for life to give you lemons, pine away!