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A Nondual Perspective
Democracy’s false dichotomy.
Helene sweeps away the illusion.
How Foraging can Save the World
Domination vs. partnership, scarcity vs. abundance, and fear vs. love.
Why life increasingly sucks.
Beneath suspicion.
How an accurate understanding of karma can save us.
Oneness, meaning of life, conceptual thought, drugs, ego, identification, domination culture, scarcity, shame, addiction, life as dream, and trauma.
Domination culture and healing collective trauma.
What keeps us crippled.
More deadly than virus.
Beyond partisanship, conspiracy theories, social media, and democracy.
Is it time to die?
My first meaning of life essay — 20 years later.
Humanity’s greatest blessing and curse: conceptual thinking.
Fear, real sharing, abundance, and unity (PDF).
I just wanna be your everything.
Coronavirus, unity, fear… the usual!
Pandemic, Passover, climate change, and civilization-as-addiction.
COVID-19 as a catalyst for change.
Coronavirus vs. cooperation and abundance.
Maureen McCarthy solves all her problems: by dissolving them.
Maureen McCarthy rediscovers mindfulness.
Maureen McCarthy’s fountain of youth.
Nondualism and Nonviolent Communication.
When “smarts” can work against you.
Marianne Williamson, cooperation, love vs. fear, fake news, and enemy images.
Free Your Mind and Your Addiction Will Follow
Nonviolent Communication, domination culture, shame, enemy images, anarchism, labeling and alienation, feelings, depression, harm reduction, and self-acceptance.
What if there is no problem? Civilization vs. hunter-gatherer culture, progress vs. contentment. Hypervigilance, conceptual thought, intuition, higher dimensions, and life as dream.
Marianne Williamson, unity, life as dream, mycelium, and The Aquarian Age.
What if saving the world is not our job? Progress, Science, God, and Nonviolent Communication.
If I create my own reality, why try to change anyone else?
Progress is an addiction/cancer caused by the belief in separation.
Our Opioid Opportunity (The Fix)
Do we really believe that we’re all in this together? Gentrification, beyond naloxone, harm reduction, domination culture, shame, loneliness, and community.
A main cause of addiction is our shame-based society.
Saving the world by awakening to oneness.
If reality is a dream, limitation, identification, and knowledge are all illusory. If nothing is real, anything is possible.
The meaning of life: states and stages, enlightenment, and love.
The hell of competition; waking up from the illusion of separation: the need for a somatic approach.
Addiction as an attachment disorder.
Would you want to know yours?
A “magic,” community-based way to heal your ancestry.
Kiss and Say Goodbye (The Mountain Xpress)
Addiction as social denial, disconnection.
Allowing: waking up from the nightmare of domination culture, from the ego, and from work to play.
Waking up to oneness.
Does life have to be hard? The illusion of scarcity.
Coming to peace with life; suffering and evil stem from the ego.
The Most Important Thing We Have To Learn Is How To Fail
How and why to “let go and let God.”
Empathy, denial of unity, changing the past.
World peace, cancer, and the universal meaning of life.
The value of psychedelic mushrooms.
A short version of the above.
How the “woods-wide web” can show us the way.
How I went from Progressivism to Primitivism.
The world as enemy or family: rewilding our hearts.
Healing with plants is not about “using” them.
A cure for our Eden disorder.
Falling in love with life.
The 2016 Presidential election, The Apocalypse, and life as a dream.
A guide to healthy eating and living.
There’s no time like the present.
Tools for work/screen addiction: Nonviolent Communication and Somatic Experiencing.
The origin of witches, the rise of industrial education, food, and medicine, and the loss of community.
Why we stay in bad relationships.
What is Healthier, Your Relationship or Cocaine?
Distinguishing tonics from drugs and other stimulants.
Foraging and Wild Food
Foraging can help you to feel at home.
Fungi combat lockdown loneliness.
Do desperate times really call for desperate measures?
Foraging for world and inner peace.
Foraging as reconnection.
How to harvest and use black walnuts.
The Key to Safe Mushroom Hunting
Wild Mushrooms: A Hidden Treasure
Eating on the Wild Side (Review)
Forage, Harvest, Feast (Review)
Cookin’ Up a Mess o’ Creasy Greens
Economics of Wild Strawberries
Top 75 Wild Foods in Western NC
Wild Mushrooms Legal in NC Restaurants
Honey Mushroom vs. Deadly Galerina
Witch Hazel (Roger Klinger)
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Excerpts from the 1939 book by Weston Price.
Two 19th c. authors pioneering mushroom appreciation.
For love of mushrooms: edible, pychedelic, or just cool.
Is psychedelic-assisted therapy legal?
Basically, no.
More on Asheville: how I got there and why I stayed.
A proposed celebration of community.
Want to Hurt the Environment? Join a National Environmental Group
The hypocrisy of endless junk mail.
Going Ninja on Japanese Beetles
You can beat and eat ’em.
How to know if you have it and what to do about it.
Organic, soy-free animal products in WNC
Homage to Dr. James Duke, ethnobotanist.