Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Hans Christian Anderson
This is the logo I designed for my foraging tour company, No Taste Like Home. It is based in part on The Wizard of Oz. It is also based on the first card in the tarot, The Fool. Here is that card in The Rider Waite Tarot, alongside a version from The World Sprit Tarot, the guide to which I edited in 2001.
The mission of No Taste Like Home is to help people to answer the question, where is home? In the context of foraging, the question becomes, “is it really foolish to venture into wild foods, i.e., into the wild?” Adventuring and finding home — wherever you are — are one in the same. Both require risk-taking, and both involve seeing the beauty in life, not just the danger.
In our rendition of The Fool, Dorothy (which means “gift of God”) holds a poppy. Poppies, as in the Oz story, are toxic. But things don’t have to be edible to feed us.
Like the song says, “fools fall in love.” But like Ram Dass teaches, the secret to life has two parts. One is realizing that you’ve just jumped out of an airplane without a parachute. The second is knowing that there’s no ground to slam into. We are always falling, always coming home.