One of the best ways to get to know a place is through its food, and it’s increasingly easy for travelers to experience firsthand the foraging trend popularized by chefs like René Redzepi of Copenhagen’s Noma…
As Alan Muskat, CEO of Asheville, NC’s No Taste Like Home, puts it: “Ideal for people and the planet, wild food is healthier, fresher, and more flavorful than its garden-variety descendants, and it’s all superfood because it’s what we evolved to eat.”
A tour with No Taste Like Home is a three-hour forest adventure, with lessons in cooking, medicine, ecology, folklore, and crafting. It’s also a contribution to a good cause. Through its Afikomen Project, this first-of-its-kind organization teaches foraging in schools, and whatever produce isn’t used by students’ families is sold at markets to fund the program. Tours run from mid-April to mid-October, and anytime by appointment. Expect to encounter 20 to 30 wild foods, including edible plants and mushrooms, with a focus on common ones you might find in your own backyard. Following the walk, the guide cooks up a picnic.