August 18th, 2014
“Do not worry about your life, about what you will eat or drink…”
Here’s the rest of the bible verse: “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap and gather into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” It’s a great tool for purging worry and particularly fitting for No Taste Like Home, an Asheville, North Carolina, company that gives wild food adventure tours in which participants forage for wild mushrooms and other edibles which get cooked up for them at a local restaurant.
“We live in a consumer culture where everyone is looking out for number one. But that actually doesn’t make for good business,” says No Taste Like Home director Alan Muskat. “If I am always focused on getting something from someone else, I’m not going to form a very good relationship. By taking advantage of someone, I might eat for a day, but I won’t eat for a lifetime. We teach people that we live in an abundant world where there really is enough for everyone if we focus on sharing.”